Steel Challenge
Dynamic “Drag Racing with Guns,” Featuring Monthly Matches, Multiple Stages, and Diverse Gun Divisions
Brief overview of the event
Steel Challenge is an exciting shooting sport know as “drag racing with guns”. Easton will be running a Steel Challenge match on the third Saturday of the month, beginning at 11:00, from April through October, weather permitting. Special Event Range, Rifle Range, and the Action Range (4-6) are used.
At Easton, we will shoot three or four SCSA official stages and one original or outlaw stage as the fifth bay we are using is not large enough for any of the SCSA stages. The original stage will be different each month. We will rotate through all of the SCSA stages throughout the season with two stages, Smoke & Hope, and Roundabout, set up for each match.
With 13 gun divisions, almost all pistol chambered guns can be used in Steel Challenge. The divisions are the five USPSA handgun divisions: Open, Limited, Carry Optics, Single Stack, Production
Where the event is held & Other instructions
Easton will be running a Steel Challenge match on the third Saturday of the month, beginning at 11:00, from April through October, weather permitting. Special Event Range, Rifle Range, and the Action Range (4-6) are used.